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基于国内外关于波浪能发电装置的锚泊系统研究现状,介绍了锚泊系统的组成,结构形式的分类以及相关的研究方法,并分析各自的优缺点,综合国内外关于波浪能发电装置的锚泊系统的实例,丰富了锚泊系统的设计基础知识,有利于掌握国内外关于波浪能发电装置的锚泊系统方面的最新研究动态,形成科学的系统的设计方案。  相似文献   
对湛江老黏土地基5个工程钢管桩施工进行总结,得出以下结论:老黏土地区持力层宜选择50击的中粗砂层或者40击以上黏土层,此时基桩承载力恢复系数为1.26~1.40,比一般黏性土高;打桩锤宜选择D128、D138柴油锤,二档档位终锤贯入度宜为2~5 mm击,三档档位终锤贯入度为6~10 mm击,能量传递系数为28.5%~47.6%;当持力层和桩锤符合上述情况时,直径在1 000~1 400 mm的钢管桩总锤击数小于2 500的占统计83.8%,打桩效率最高。  相似文献   
以工程实例介绍了重力式方块卸荷板码头的改造设计方案。由于原有码头卸荷板悬臂较大,在码头前沿均布荷载增大的情况下,使得基床顶面产生较大的后倾应力,基床承载力不满足规范要求。改造方案通过在后方设灌注桩及现浇钢筋混凝土板,减少码头卸荷板悬臂部分上部荷载,防止基床顶面产生较大的后倾应力,为类似的码头改造设计提供了借鉴。  相似文献   
以色列阿什杜德港项目所处环境地质条件差,覆盖层以0~3 t块石为主;风浪条件恶劣,季风期有效波高达5 m以上。前期人员、设备、材料等出海的施工码头建设十分困难。通过综合分析比较高桩码头、抛石堤码头及板桩码头等传统码头形式的特点,经科学的设计创新采用无锚板桩+支撑墩结构形式码头,同时采取安全可靠的施工技术,高效、安全地完成施工码头的建设。  相似文献   
采用辅助桩做平台基础搭设平台,解决长江裸露岩层下灌注型嵌岩桩施工平台的问题;采用岩面理坡栽桩、框式导向架及钢制替打跟进技术解决在长江裸岩、急流的条件下,下沉超长、超大直径钢护筒的施工问题。  相似文献   
付继承  徐洲  徐斌 《水运工程》2015,(8):127-131
大悬挑下横梁结构在高桩码头中并不常见,因其下横梁悬挑,施工时对其底模支撑系统与常规下横梁有所不同,难度较大。主要介绍码头工程水上大悬挑下横梁底模施工技术及底模支撑设计,重点介绍下横梁施工过程中钢抱箍作承力支撑结构的设计及应用。  相似文献   
臧德记  汪滨  蒋华忠 《水运工程》2015,(12):157-160
对沿海地区某码头预制方桩沉桩过程进行监控。结果表明,打桩时由于桩周土扰动剧烈,桩的贯入阻力大幅减小,粉质土贯入阻力降低比例高于粉砂。复打测试表明:粉质土的恢复系数较粉砂高;桩侧摩阻力与土层性质密切相关。在沉桩时可根据土层情况选用合适的打桩锤击力,以减小或避免对桩的不利影响。  相似文献   
介绍了用强夯大桩径碎石桩加固软弱路基的设计、施工方法,以及碎石桩单桩和复合地基的施工质量检测。根据对施工过程的监控及检测结论,比较分析强夯大桩径碎石桩设计参数的选取,为强夯大桩径碎石桩加固软弱地基的广泛应用提供了重要数据。  相似文献   
以搅拌桩工艺处理软土地基,使其承压性能达到道路施工的必要条件。基于工程实践对其使用工艺进行技术优化,对于提高作业效率和降低工程成本是十分必要的。  相似文献   
Corrosion of steel structures in the marine environment is a major problem. The deterioration of this kind of structures is costly and difficult to predict both when designing new structures and when estimating the remaining service life time for existing structures. The aim of this investigation was to find indicative values for the corrosion rate of steel sheet piles on the Swedish west coast. Such corrosion rates (mm/year) can be used both when designing new structures by oversizing the steel thickness and when estimating the bearing capacity of existing sheet pile structures. Earlier investigations on the corrosion rates along the Swedish east coast – with salinity from about 0.2% to 0.8% – are still used today as guidelines for the corrosion rate of all steel structures in the Swedish maritime environment even though the salinity on the west coast can be as high as 3.0%.Steel sheet pile wharfs located in the port of Halmstad on the Swedish west coast were inspected by ultrasonic measurements. Three wharf structures with a total length of about 700 m were inspected. None of the inspected wharfs had or have had cathodic protection. The thickness measurements of the steel sheet pile structures were performed by divers.The age of the three inspected sheet pile structures ranged from 36 to 51 years. The dimensions of the original sheet pile sections are known. One of the quay structures is located along a river. The salinity at all wharfs varied from low values at the surface to approx. 2% at the bottom (also in the river outflow).The measured average corrosion rates were in the same order as the design values in the European code. However, the results indicate increased corrosion rates about 1 m below the mean water surface and at the level of the propellers from the ships berthing the most frequented of the inspected wharfs, 3–6 m below water surface.The tolerances of steel sheet thicknesses – usually in the order of ±6% – are often neglected when investigating the remaining thickness in steel sheet piles. A simple calculation model shows that the sheet pile must be almost 50 years of age before an accurate estimation on the corrosion rate can be made, considering the tolerances, if the true original sheet pile thickness is not known.  相似文献   
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